Level 50. My second-highest character, and not by that much either. Will The Ruk step through the Dark Portal? Pfft, of course. Just a matter of time.
We picked up a fistful of quests at Un'Goro Crater. Smart money says that the quests in the south are the better ones to start with. Just bang those out, go back to the Tauren questgiver, pick up a second round of quests, and just migrate & complete. I'm contemplating starting these ones with Dakota (wolf) rather than Marv (gorilla). Marv might be the better tank, but since the mobs are all going to be my level or higher, maybe the Attack Power buff from Furious Howl would help take things down.
Only been down there once so far, and killed by a Devilsaur.
I'll be back, D. I'll be back.
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