Seeing as how I'm on my WoW days off (stupid rural piss-poor internet that makes my eyes bleed) I've been doing some reading. Reading, as it turns out, is a good thing. When you read, you learn things. Things such as the stealth nerf to Death Strike. On the one hand, I'm glad to find out about this. I've been dying because I keep expecting DS to slap a bunch of health back on me, but that bar barely moved after 3.1 which had me concerned. Now on the other hand, Blizzard nerfed DS. Oh well, one less ability I have to worry about. Let me tell you, when you've got multiple mobs pummelling you, getting back 5-15% really isn't going to do much more than let the mob hit you just one more time before they pry your chest cavity open and see what makes you tick.
For the record, The Rokk runs on a delicate balance of Awesome and Win.
Oh, and I once again missed the memo where our talent points were refunded. Again.
So. Spec hunting. Oh yeah, and of course all the listed specs are for T7, level 80 raiders. Good times.
Searching, searching. Oh what the Hell. This one looks good. I found it over here.
A build that works similar to 50/0/21, but adds the ghoul permanently to your mix. It sacrifices the 10% damage and 10% ArP from Blood Gorged for filled talents in Unholy, and a permanent buffed ghoul. This build is very easy to manage and intuitive to play, showing similar numbers to the other specs in dps tests. There is debate as to it's scaling potential, as a Ghoul automatically means increased scaling from all your stats (as they would apply to yourself and the ghoul). The extra point can be placed in a 1pt talent in Blood (Vampric Blood, Rune Tap, Mark of Blood), or used to finish out Epidemic. Always renew Unholy Blight before using DC if it's about to/already has run out.I decided to build the Blood tree first. Of course, being on the poor interweb access means I have to wait until Friday to see how this pans out in a pre-80 build.
DS can be used before applying diseases due to its independence from disease multipliers. This also immediately gets your 10% AP buff up from Abomination's Might. The position of disease application in this rotation is why only one point of Epidemic is needed.
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