It's a PVP server I've been hearing about. Turns out that the one big Alliance guild that was on the server decided to tuck tail and leave. The result? The Horde outnumbers the Alliance about 10 to 1. That's an interesting dynamic.
Curious, I decided to pop in to take a look around. I rolled up a dwarf and went for a walk over to Ironforge. Crickets. That place was as empty as Shattrath on every other server. The AH was a joke, and by "joke" I mean "empty". Example? I had a Hordie do a search for Plate Armor, in the lv 71-80 range. Six pages of results, with plenty of purples. On the Alliance side?
This place is screwed.
Yet for some reason I was curious. Could The Rokk come to this server and make some kind of difference on the Alliance side? Did he care?
So as a little social experiment, the Rokkalypse has come to Cho'gall. Now there's the Alliance, the Horde, and the Rokk.
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